Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results can be very frustrating. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall. You may be wondering how is this relevant to your job search goals. Well….looking for a job is a process. If you can find a way to maintain your motivation, the results will be worth the work you put in.
Get Organized
Your ability to stay motivated is a direct output of your ability to stay organized. When you are well organized, you are more focused and more likely to stay on task.
There are several computer programs and websites you can use to help you organize your search. JibberJobber, CleverCareerist, and WorkSolver allow you to arrange key information on the jobs you have applied for. They also keep track of the contacts you have established throughout the job hunting process.
Some programs allow you to schedule specific calendar items like interviews and follow-ups. This can be very convenient when you have multiple interviews scheduled.
Whatever tool you plan to use, the key is making it work for you. Just make sure your plan is helping you meet your career goals. To keep your motivation up, regularly update the details of your job hunting activities and the appropriate steps you have taken.
Creating a Simple Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet is a simple tool you can use for staying organized. It can work wonders in helping you stay organized during your job search. Here are a few details you may want to include in your spreadsheet:
- Company name
- Date applied
- Contact
- Position you have applied for
- Actions taken
- Interview details
- Next Steps
Keeping track of your activities can help you keep some order in your job search efforts by helping you:
- Monitor the jobs you have applied for.
- Track the different versions of your resume you have submitted.
- Know which jobs have or have not contacted you.
This not only improves your productivity, it also helps you stay motivated and focused on your job hunting goals and objectives.
Make Your Goals Your Motivation
So, have you have already mapped out your long-term career goals? How are you staying motivated to achieve them? Here’s a simple process you can use:
At the start of each week:
- Set small and specific goals and objectives for the week ahead.
- List the daily activities you must do to achieve these small and specific goals each week.
- Make sure these smaller goals and daily activities are related to your long-term career goals.
At the end of each week:
- Monitor and track your progress.
- Record and celebrate accomplishments.
- Plan for next week.
Moving from point A to point B in your job hunting process
Obviously, the ultimate goal of job searching is landing your dream job or career! But you are wise to realize that your career goals will be best met by taking things one step at a time. It is easy to lose motivation if you are not landing your dream job.
It is good to know however, that sometimes you may have to accept a job that is not your number one choice first before you can move on to the job you really want.
So while you are planning the next move that will bring you closer to your dream job, try the following:
- Sharpen your strongest skills and values wherever you are at this very moment.
- Learn what your ideal work culture and environment looks and feels like.
- Build/update your LinkedIn profile by highlighting the new and relevant skills you are gaining.
- Network, network, network!
- Complete at least ten relevant job applications every week.
There are a number of online job boards you can use to access different job postings. They can also help you keep track of jobs you have applied for. Among the most popular sites are Monster, Climber and CareerBuilder, all of which have features that allow you to keep track of your job applications.
Keep in mind that most companies post their openings on multiple sites. Keeping track of where you apply can help you avoid applying for the same position more than once. This is a risk you want to avoid as it is not a good look!
Maintaining your spreadsheet as the master file for all the jobs you have applied to puts you in control, keeps you organized, and also helps you maintain your level of motivation.
Meeting Your Career Goals
The job path you decide to take will help define your career. This is why it is important that you have really thought out your goals and how you want to achieve them.
Finding that ideal job requires a high level of motivation. Here are some key areas you may want to work on to help you stay motivated during your job search:
- Researching Target Companies. Develop a list of companies you want to work for, and positions that are a good match for your career goals. Don’t just list them. Do an online search. Go to the company’s website and social media pages to get a feel for the company.
- Networking. Focus your energy and motivation on expanding and maintaining both your personal and professional network. Most people find jobs through people they know.
- Building Personal Brand. When applying for a job, you are selling yourself. Be sure you are able to communicate what you can bring to a potential employer. To help you stand out, consider building your personal brand. Branding is how you present yourself to others. Take this into consideration when you are building your resume, cover letter, and social media profiles.
Maintaining motivation during your job search could mean a faster hire for you. Keep your chin up, and your prospects high. You and the job you are meant to have will find each other.