CertNexus Certifications

People Sourcing

844-WLS-CORP (844-957-2677)

When you hire the right people to work for you and put them in the right jobs, you are more likely to see:

  • Increased productivity
  • Higher revenues
  • Better competitive advantage

Keeping your best quality employees means you must:

  • Constantly find new ways to motivate them
  • Make it easier for them to do their jobs
  • Inspire them to do their best every day

Selecting the right people and keeping them engaged leads to higher employee engagement and retention rates, offering you:

  • Higher revenues and lower costs per hire/employee
  • Positive impact on your key business metrics
Let WLS help you select, engage, and retain the best talent for your business

Select the right
people for your team

As a small business owner you can't go it alone

You need a team

You need talent

You need people

So how can your small business compete in the workforce for the best people?

Recruiting & Interviewing

  • Writing effective job postings – is your job posting inviting? Interesting?
  • Creating job descriptions – does the job description describe the actual job?
  • Develop interview guides – Are you asking the right questions during the interview?
  • Employment Contracts – Do employees know the terms of their employment?

Onboarding and Orientation

  • Onboarding checklists
  • Orientation to the company
  • Employee welcome
  • Company mission, vision, values, unspoken rules etc
  • Policies and procedures
  • Benefits
  • Compliance requirements

Performance Management

  • Setting goals and expectations
  • Annual performance reviews
  • Quarterly/Monthly status meetings

When you hire the right people you can trust that your goals and vision will be achieved

Learn how to retain the best talent for your business