CertNexus Certifications

Essential Management and Leadership Advice

844-WLS-CORP (844-957-2677)

Essential Management and Leadership Advice


Interviewed by Scott Proietti

Debbie Meyer (Pictured Below)


This week, the conversation centers around management and leadership, primarily focusing on the overall importance of each in the workforce.

Our featured guest is Debbie Meyer. Debbie has been the city editor of the Cumberland Times-News for the past 18 years and has worked for the paper for 26 years total.  Debbie considers herself a “people” person.

1. In your opinion, what is the difference between management and leadership skill sets in the workforce?

DM: I use management skills to organize the workflow, convey policies and make daily decisions on what needs to accomplished. Leadership is needed more in encouraging employees to develop ideas and creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and cooperation.

2. Being an Editor of a city newspaper, how important are your leadership and managerial skills to your daily job?

As city editor, I work closely with the reporting and photography staff and would not be able to function efficiently without management and leadership skills. We work in a dynamic environment that requires me to always be on top of what’s going on both with our product and internal communications.

3. What would be your best advice to any person wishing to refine his or her managerial skills?

Solicit feedback from both your supervisor and your peers and co-workers. Keep abreast of changes in your profession through reading, networking and attending any available training opportunities.

4. “Just because a person is a good manager does not mean they know how to lead.  By the same token there are many leaders who are not effective managers.”  Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

Yes, because management skills are more organizational and leadership skills are more on a personal level.

5. In your opinion, what traits are important for a good, effective, personable boss to encompass? 

Be aware of what’s going on with each and every employee. Be impartial and fair. Set an example through your own actions.




Comments 3

  1. In your opinion, what is the difference between management and leadership in the workforce?

  2. How important is it to have a strong manager and a strong leader in order to ensure success for your company?

  3. Anything else? Feel free to pose your own comment or question!

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