CertNexus Certifications

Schedule Your Time and Manage Your Schedule

844-WLS-CORP (844-957-2677)

Schedule Your Time and Manage Your Schedule


Interviewed by Scott Proietti

This week, the conversation centers around why you must learn to schedule your time in order to maintain an efficient work-life balance. Our featured guest is Thad Burner. Thad is a History professor at Fort Hill High School and is a 2004 graduate of West Virginia University, where he earned his Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies and Master’s in Secondary Education. He also helps coach the boys’ Varsity Football and Basketball teams.

Thad Burner (pictured below)


1. Why are efficient time-management skills so important in the workplace and why must you learn to schedule your time?

TB: Work can get away from you very quickly.  If you’re not being efficient, then you’re being counter productive. Jobs have deadlines.

2. What steps do you take on a daily basis to ensure that you stay ahead of things on your schedule?

I try to stay in a routine.  Obviously, different weeks bring different challenges. It’s much easier to accomplish daily tasks while in a normal routine.

3. What is your best advice to someone struggling with managing his or her time?

I’m a big believer in routine. Sometimes it’s difficult. We have a 17 month old baby and I work approximately 50 hours a week, as does my wife.  We try to plan out our week and make sure we’re where we need to be.

4. From your experiences, what are the primary drawbacks of not effectively managing a busy schedule?

I know that when I become busy, work starts to get away from me quick.  Stress mounts and tension increases. However, the biggest drawback is that in order to get caught up, you have to take work home.  That just makes it difficult because work then invades your personal time.  You have to have a balance and schedule your time. 

5. What is your best advice to any job seeker struggling to find work in today’s competitive world?

Make it your top priority. Plan your days and set some daily goals for seeking a job. I think if you set goals (sending emails, resumes, visits, etc….) it helps you stay positive and productive. 

Comments 1

  1. How can you better schedule your time and use your time wisely to be more productive on a day-to-day basis?

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