You have been with your company in the same position. You like the company you work. You like your coworkers and the drive to work is not too bad. You are looking to grow and you are ready to move up the ladder. So what is stopping you from getting a promotion? It’s probably YOU!!!
Promotions are not going to just fall into your lap. If you are just sitting around waiting, you may be waiting forever. It used to be that workers moved during their careers just by being there the longest. Today, employees have to create and manage their own career paths.
Getting a promotion does not always mean moving up. In today’s business environment, you may need to make a lateral move to position yourself for getting a promotion.
The following tips will help you put you on the right path for getting a promotion at work.
10 Tips for Getting a Promotion at Work
1. Be Professional at All Times
Earn a reputation for being dependable, professional, and supportive. Act and look the part.
- Dress professionally and neatly. Even on casual days.
- Ask questions when you aren’t sure how to do something.
- Dare to be different. Make yourself stand out from the pack.
- Keep a positive outlook on things, even when in tough situations.
- Don’t whine, complain, or blame others when things don’t go your way.
- Don’t be a clock-watcher.
2. Get a Mentor
Mentors are people with whom you can talk openly and honestly about work-related issues. A mentor should be more experienced than you.Good mentors can point out your blind spots, offer suggestions, applaud your successes, and guide your career.
Mentor relationships can be formal or informal. A lot of companies have mentoring programs. Check to see if yours does.
3. Establish a Bond with Your Boss
What is your relationship with your boss like? It might help to think of your boss as a bouncer in the VIP line. They can either unhook the velvet rope to let you in or send you to the back of the line. Use all opportunities to make your boss a key supporter of your promotion.
This doesn’t mean you have to be the “teacher’s pet”. However, you do have to stay on their good side. When it comes to getting a promotion, your immediate boss is usually the one to make the recommendation.
4. Demonstrate a Strong Ability for Growth
One of the best ways to succeed in getting a promotion is to expand your knowledge and skills sets in areas that are critical to the organization. The old days of being good at one thing and never expanding your abilities are over. You have to be able to show that you can evolve your thinking. You need an ever-increasing skill set not only to perform your job, but to stay marketable.
5. Possess a Positive Attitude
Attitude is everything! Well…it does count for a lot especially when getting a promotion. In today’s workplace, you have to have a great attitude. People at your job must want to work with you. Being likable is a valuable trait when you consider how many people are so miserable in their work. Remember, if people don’t like you, they will not trust you.
6. Build Your Network
The more people who know you, the more likely your name will be discussed when opportunities arise. Also, when you build your network with people in other areas of your organization, you learn more about the company.
7. Ask for More Responsibilities
Volunteer to help out other departments or teams. Ask for more responsibilities. This increases your value within the company. Asking for more work shows your interest to help your department and company to succeed.
8. Think Big and Take Risks
You must have the courage to be BOLD. You need to trust your gut and allow your passionate pursuit of purpose to take charge. It’s your time to showcase the years of hard work that have given you the permission to be daring in this moment. Put your capabilities to the test and seize the opportunity.
9. Be a Team Player
So much of work is now accomplished through teams, it is even more important to share successes with your team. You also have to avoid pointing your finger when there are failures. By being a team player, you only build your reputation and increase your value to the organization.
10. Remain Loyal
Being loyal to your company and the brand you serve is vital to your success. Your personal values must align with those of your organization in order for you to be unconditionally loyal. You know this to be true when, for example, your loyalty is tested by the temptation of internal gossip, or when the executive recruiter calls you about the job your competitor wants to offer you.
Include these ten steps in your work-life. Display your company’s core values and meet your performance goals. By doing this, you will be positioning yourself for that next position and making yourself an invaluable resource to your company. Who knows what could come next?
Related Article: Career Planning: Identifying and Matching Your Skills to Your Dream Job