Remember when you had to create all sorts of fun stuff back in kiddie summer camp? So what if the Popsicle sticks you used to build your wooden house weren’t even? So what if you got most of the glue on yourself rather than on your project? It didn’t matter. You had fun learning new crafty ideas. You loved the end results because you worked so hard on it.
Relive your childhood and get back into crafting with do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. DIY projects can save money and help you earn money. Enjoying what you do while making money is a win-win situation. Turn your passion into profits by selling your very own DIY projects to a desired target market of your choice.
DIY projects can be reusable and reinvented to match your personal traits and hobbies. Transforming DIY projects into a career is possible. Erica Domesek, “Craft Wars” judge and genius mind behind the DIY crafting blog, P.S. I Made This, appeared on Good Morning America to discuss how trendy and booming the crafting business is becoming. Erica mentioned that one woman took a $50 dresser found on the roadside, added some PVC piping, and later sold the magnificent polished piece for $2,500.
Being creative can jump to new heights by making DIY projects for the masses. Sell your products online or through local ads and make money fast. DIY projects can benefit just about anyone that wants extra money in their pockets.
Benefits of DIY Projects
Jobs centered around DIY projects can help the unemployed, college students, homemakers, people that only work part-time, retirees and so on. Here’s a look at who can benefit from DIY money making projects the most.
1. Long-term Unemployed
There are 2.7 million Americans that are considered long-term unemployed because they’ve been out of work more than 27 weeks. Creative DIY projects can come in super handy for the long-term unemployed. People that have been out of work more than six months most likely have little to no money. Developing a past skill or learning through DIY sites and video tutorials can turn a desperate situation around for many that are financially unstable. On a tight budget? No problem. Find dollar store supplies for your crafts here. Change your unemployed status to employed today!
2. Recent College Graduates
It’s no surprise that young college students are broke after graduation. They are jobless, and most of them have high student loans to pay back. It’s common for recent graduates to fall easily into the category of long-term unemployed. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Millennials that are recent graduates are perfect for promoting their DIY services because of their creativity, student mentality, and their competency with social media communications. Through networking and strategic planning, earning money through DIY projects can turn into a business for this age group.
3. Stay-at-home Moms
Stay-at-home moms love to budget. There are so many ideas lying around the house for these moms to earn extra bucks. There are countless ways to turn reusable items around the house into crafts you can sell. Moms are constantly cooking and cleaning and making sure the house is in tip top shape for when their family arrives home. Baking tasty treats can turn from feeding a family of four to a unique baking service right out of the kitchen. Momtastic and Painted Furniture Ideas are great starter sites for moms that are interested in learning new DIY projects.
Transform Your Interests Into a DIY Career
Why not make your own job rather than looking for one. Finding smart solutions for money making DIY projects can be easy once you find your niche. DIY projects can be a variety of freelance ventures that can turn out to lucrative services. Here are a few DIY projects that can be transformed into a sturdy business with the right tools, training, and creativity.
1. Food/Pastry Service
Do you enjoy ‘throwing it down’ in the kitchen every once in awhile? Everyone likes a tasty treat or home-cooked meal. If you like baking and cooking, starting a food service chuck full of delicious meals will be a piece of cake…literally!
2. Child Day Care
Child care service is a great DIY job that you can do from your home. Love interacting with kids? If so, an at-home child care center is right up your alley. There’s no need to pay extra rent and utilities when the center is right in your living room.
3. Home Decor
Remember the lady that made a $2,500 sale after selling an old cabinet she transformed to elegance by using PVC pipes? Yeah, it’s possible. Turn your handiwork into home furniture crafts and sell them for a pretty penny. Help others dress up their homes with modern furniture pieces.
4. Clothing Designer
Do you love fashion? Are you a trendsetter? Do you enjoy making your own clothes? Well, guess what? Making money with DIY clothing projects is your thing! Invent new styles and trends and watch heads turn.
5. Makeup Artist (MUA)
Being skilled with a foundation brush is a talent not many people possess but are willing to pay to get. MUAs work on their own time and can expand their services to any age and gender. These talented beauty magicians can even extend their services to cater to other specialties. For example, a makeup artist can use her skill of transforming beauties with foundation, to applying face paint at a kid’s Halloween party.
No matter your talent, pull cash from fun DIY projects. Earning money through services based on your strengths and interests is a sure way to gain extra income. It’s also recession-proof, and you set your own hours! From cake decorating to soap-making, no matter the technicality of the DIY project, the possibilities to make money are truly endless. Click here to find what moves you!
If you’ve been actively looking for work for more than six months and you haven’t yet received an offer that meets your needs, you’re officially heading into the job search group known as the “long-term unemployed.” Click here to check out our blog to learn 5 resume strategies for the long-term unemployed.