CertNexus Certifications

Corporate Sales

844-WLS-CORP (844-957-2677)

Corporate Sales


SMstudy Corporate Sales certications include Associate, Professional, Specialist and Expert levels. Anyone interested in learning about Corporate Sales can earn these certications.

Corporate Sales (CS) outlines the best practices and processes for effective business-to-business (B2B) sales.


  1. Introduction

    • A Brief History of Corporate Sales
    • Corporate Strategy Overview
    • Aspects of Sales and Marketing
    • Levels of Sales and Marketing Strategy
    • Marketing Strategy Overview
    • Corporate Sales Overview
  2. Understand Sales Value Proposition and Determine Corporate Sales Channels

    • Understand Sales Value Proposition
    • Determine Corporate Sales Channels
  3. Prepare Organization for Sales

    • Plan Sales Governance
    • Determine Sales Targets
    • Create Marketing Assets
    • Determine Sales Targets
  4. Training for Corporate Sales

    • Sales and Negotiation Training
    • Product Training
  5. Sales Process-Prospecting

    • Profile Target Customers and Decision Makers
    • Lead Generation and Qualication
  6. Sales Process-Conversion

    • Needs Assessment for Each Qualied Lead
    • Presentation, Overcoming Objection, and Closure
  7. Account Management

    • Classification of Accounts and Resource Allocation
    • Corporate Accounts Alignment
    • Client Management