CertNexus Certifications

Employee Recognition

844-WLS-CORP (844-957-2677)

Employee Recognition

Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Recognition – Increasing Employee and Manager Engagement through Improved Communication and Effective Performance Management


Recognizing employee contributions seems to be an ad-hoc project in many workplaces.  This is likely the catalyst behind feelings of being unappreciated, dissatisfied, and general unhappiness among many employees. 

Most managers use a disjointed array of programs to recognize and reward their employees, which leaves employees not feeling the love, or not believing the action is genuine. 

Recognition Expert, John Schaefer of Schaefer Recognition Group joins us for this month’s webinar to help you:trophy2

  • Wrap your arms around all of your Award/Reward initiatives, and
  • Optimize employee performance with a Comprehensive Training-based Recognition Strategy.

 You will learn how small changes in communication style will show your employees that you truly care, as opposed to creating the impression that you’re just trying to manipulate their behavior by dangling carrots.

 John will also share the importance of a strategy to monitor, evaluate, report and make recommendations that will help you keep your organization’s awards/rewards programs fresh and relevant.


This is a MUST ATTEND event for supervisors and managers.

 Register for an upcoming session of this FREE webinar below:

Webinar Schedule